Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Update #2

I'm writing you this literally dripping of sweat because its almost 40 degrees here, and I just finished playing three Canadian guys in basketball! Well 40 degrees Celsius, which is about 110 Fahrenheit  (yeah, whenever we here that up here we're like, "yeah that's cold."). Don't worry moms, we are drinking PLENTY of water.

Last night was one of the most eye opening experiences of my own life, and I know it was for a number of students as well. Last night we went to the Gateway mission in downtown Toronto.  We spoke to an ex crack addict who helped us see behind the scenes of the jail, the government, and the way that those who are experiencing homelessness get treated by the "higher-ups."  Its not really very cool.  We as a group from Northside want to do something about it back home in Ohio.

The Avro Arrows (Nick, Paige, Brandon, Noah as well as others from Wesley Park UMC in Michigan) have been working at a restaurant called St. Francis Table.  We worked with a guy called Brother John and he is a legit monk.  Things have been great there.  However we are sad that it is our last day.  I'm proud to say that when no other students wanted to step up to serve the food, all 3 of ours there (as well as myself) were the ones to do it.  I'm very proud of them all!! I thought I had a picture of it, but I actually realized the guy who took it couldn't figure out our camera.

The Lumberjacks (Andi, Andrew, Jess, Dustin) have been on site and playing with kids all day for a kids camp.  Andi is proud to have everyone reciting the phrase made famous by Vector of Despicable Me saying "Oh Yeah!" (YouTube it).  All students and leaders have gotten very close with the kids that attend the camp, and I'm sure they will be sad to go.  They also went along and picked up trash at the beach, I heard the sand was hot, but their impact was great.  Picking up the sand allowed them many spiritual conversations with people.

Finally the Tim Bits (Rusty, Leanna, Laura, Bailey, Tahlor) have been painting and making an impact for people who need help in their houses.  I'm sure they are having a fantastic time out there.

Tonight we will hit up China town and have the opportunity to buy plenty of souvenirs for y'all, eh?

Paige has developed and mastered accents from France, Russia, Ireland, and China and entertains us with them on our car rids places.

Today is Colts day, and even the site director Ryan is wearing Colts socks.

I'm without access to many pictures right now, but we have tons of video footage to put together a video upon arrival.

Kids are really changing and are doing a fantastic job serving.  Keep us in your prayers.

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