Thursday, May 19, 2011

Choices: Dating

This Wednesday, May 25th, we will be entering into our final discussion topic in the series entitled 'Choices.'  This has been an incredibly tough series to teach.  There are so many things that need to be covered and decision making is an important part of being in High School/Middle School. It has been difficult to make the topics relevant, yet also not offend people.

I had a revelation in the past week when writing my conclusion to the dating series.  I always try to make the conclusion something that will benefit the students, instead of simply stating the truth of Jesus Christ.  You see often we make the Bible fit into our lifestyle.  Jesus called us to be above that, and to be counter-cultural.

This coming Wednesday I was planning to talk about "Choices: Future plans." but instead, we will stick with the dating/relationships topic. I think this topic is one that students need to hear.  This past Wednesday (5-18-11) we focused on dating and the importance of being even yoked, or running a three legged race in which you and your partner are in sync.  To branch off of that series myself (Nick), along with Josh and Andi will be talking about the importance of putting up boundaries in a dating relationship.

This may be somewhat of an awkward topic, but I believe that it is one that needs to be discussed.  Trust me, our content will be rooted in Scripture, and we will refrain from calling anybody out, however we will not shy away from the commands of Christ.  This is an important, and relevant topic.  I wanted to let you, the parents especially, know that this will be our discussion.  Sex is a topic that needs to be covered first in the home, but we will be discussing it as well, and taking a look at it from a Scriptural perspective.  I hope you will partner with us, and invite your students to join us this Wednesday for the final encounter of the year.

1 comment:

  1. Nick,
    I think this is a great topic for you to be addressing with the group. I only wish you could spend more time on the topic.
    Good luck and may God be present and touch these kids. They need the positive influence and support.
    Thank you to you and the rest of the leaders for being there.
