Monday, March 14, 2011

nite of worship

To conclude our series on "Why do bad things happen?" We will close it with a "Nite of Worship" and yes, I know I spelled 'Nite' wrong.

This evening will serve as a purpose to have fun, and celebrate what we have learned during this series.  There will be various opportunities to get involved, to sing, to pray, to really do anything that will connect you to God.  But in light of all that we have learned during the month of March with "Why do bad things happen?" I want us as a student ministry to celebrate Jesus and all that he has done for us!

This will be held the first week of April (April 6th).  Please make every effort to come. This is not your typical 'worship' service, there will be much more than simply singing and sitting!

See you then!



  1. I like it! But why is night spelled the way that it is?

  2. Hey. I'm curious to see if there is in fact a reason its spelled NITE. In other news, you are an awful comment moderator.

  3. Craig,

    I'm sorry for your discontent. There is no official purpose to this spelling. We at encounter were just indicating that we did not make a typo, but we were using this as a way to express ourselves and be a little bit different. In the future I believe "night" will be spelled "nite" as a trademark of encounter student ministries.

    Thank you for your question, and please feel free to leave as many others as you would like.

